a Native American border theme
page. I used a turquoise and silver Native American jewelry
motif as the focus because the crafting of Indian art, including the
jewelry, when done by the indigenous craftsman, is a sacred act, often
filled with vision and rich in American tribal symbols.
Above you see
a blank title graphic with a turquoise and silver brooch for you to
insert a web page title
If you
don't have a graphic program capable of doing that, e-mail
and I will do it for you as time allows. Below you will
find the
graphic dividers and bullets designed for this page.
I suggest placing the page links as shown above (this sample
is not navigable). You can easily customize them in the HTML
template that comes in the .zip file for this web set. The
suggested font
the Native American web set title above is called "URWWoodTypD."
I've also included matching web graphics for navigation at the bottom
of designed pages if appropriate.